Summer courses in the park
Our summer conversations 2024 Our summer conversations 2024 Summer conversations are the beginning of the story of Le Quartier francophone in Switzerland! From August to mid-September, we invited learners of all levels to join us twice a week in the Perle du Lac park. In case of rain, [...]
The secret of grammatical mastery
Two memory systems Being able to apply the grammatical rules of a language in real time relies on different abilities. To explain this, let's look at the distinction made by cognitive science between two types of memory: procedural and declarative. Procedural memory enables the development of habits. After a certain period of time, [...]
Improve your French pronunciation
Good pronunciation doesn't just mean you're better understood, it also means you're better able to understand what you're being told! Where does the accent come from? Speaking your mother tongue is easy. But the later you learn a language, the harder it is to perceive and reproduce new sounds and intonations. Apart from a few rare [...]
Culture in the classroom
Culture, unlike language, can't be learned directly. But when you try to find out how people from another community see and act, it helps a lot to understand and integrate. What's more, it creates links between peoples and makes us realize just how much our own [...]
The different ways of learning a foreign language
Apps Apps like Duolingo or Babbel are undoubtedly very fashionable. They have lots of advantages: you can use them everywhere and on lots of different devices, they sometimes have cool blogs and they use artificial intelligence. Most of them offer a free trial version, so you can see if [...]
Who are our courses for?
Les principes scientifiques sur lesquels se base notre approche se concrétisent dans la classe par des façons de travailler inhabituelles pour la plupart des apprenants. Avec nous, vous communiquez d’abord avant d’analyser. Communiquer en langue étrangère, un véritable défi La langue est pour nous un outil de communication avant d’être une matière à apprendre. Cela […]
How to choose your French course
Pour choisir son cours de français, il est important d’avoir réfléchi à quelles compétences on veut développer en priorité, afin de mieux trouver l’offre la plus appropriée. De notre côté, quand vous prenez contact avec nous, on se pose à chaque fois la question suivante : Quelle est la formule la plus efficace qui colle à […]